Message Board Comment of the Day
It's that time again.
From sprnt12 on the Dirt Driver Eagle Raceway Message Board
Post Title: WoO (You may want to go back and start at the beginning, because this thread has taken a long and winding road)
"I agree with 2 dogs' comment. I thought Oval Operations was a non-biased reporter but seems to not like our local racers for some reason. The deal with the race being re-run will be talked about for a long while after next weekend too. Seems everyone can get geared up to beat Acklund. Some cars may even change colors. Let the mess stand. If it were a rain out the races would have been complete after the heats were completed. I attended races last year that were never re run and never got out pit money back either. And I do attend a lot of races all over the country every year.
I am going back to collage so I can be non objective sports writer.
If people would pay attention, you could get into the pits and stands both for $30!"
Personally I think sprnt12 should go back to college and learn how to spell. However, it's nice to be mentioned.